Week of:
Getting to solutions
Our team has been busy over the past month. Having a good idea about the problems in the system, we started developing our portfolio of solutions. The best solutions, though, are the ones that have stakeholder buy-in and are developed with consistent feedback. So from the very beginning, we have made sure to get input on the path for our proposed solutions. During March, we presented to the Forum on Drug Discovery, Development, and Translation at the National Academy of Medicine and the INFORMED Initiative at the FDA. Both groups have members from diverse backgrounds, and approach solutions to the clinical trials system from a variety of perspectives. Other than receiving great feedback on the recommendations we are developing, we realized the value of synthesizing and conveying the problems in the system effectively. As we move forward with our project, we’ll be posting refined solutions that we think can move the clinical trials system to a better place.
An example of synthesizing these problems is displayed below, which is our version of a map of the system developed by the Genetic Alliance. For us, the problems rest in several realms, represented by the different boxes that form part of the system. These problems are of different types, with everything from workforce, to science, to money. The colored icons represent the full detail of the problems in the system. These different problems hit at different parts of the system, and some problems, like data and understanding of the system, hit throughout.
The question then, is how do we create that intuitive system we talked about in our last weeknote? We are moving forward with our ideas, and will keep you updated!