New Models
Beginning in 2005, the MIT Collaborative Initiatives has hosted seven New Models meetings (including New Models 5, I and II). Each was attended by leaders in the various health industries as well as experts in other fields. Participants have included leaders from U.S. Military Health, industry, academia, public health, and government.
The goal of these meetings is idea generation—a first step toward innovative approaches to addressing complex societal issues as well as building new collaborations to put the most promising ideas into action. Integral to the Collaborative’s mission is a push towards action—not just identifying potential solutions, but actually putting them into practice.
Each of the Collaborative’s major projects has stemmed from ideas generated in these meetings. The first initiative, Stroke Pathways, applied a systems-based approach to an acute, time sensitive disease. This methodology was then used to tackle a broader, chronic issue in Childhood Obesity. Next, the Collaborative took this approach to assist the US Military in developing innovative strategies for managing PTSD and related issues. Currently, MIT-CI is looking at the process of Clinical Trials.
Agendas and Synopses
NM3 - Future Health Systems, September 18, 2008
- NM3 – Agenda (PDF)
- NM3 – Synopsis (PDF)
NM4 – Health Care Reform Working Group Agenda
- NM4 – Agenda (PDF)
New Models symposiums
New Models 5 I & II: Breaking Log Jams Cambridge, MA - November 29, 2011 & Washington D.C. - May 15, 2012
New Models 6: Log Jams, A Springboard to Innovation Cambridge, MA - October 30, 2013
Past Participants
Boston Scientific Corporation
0President, Jefferson Institute
0Founder, Managing Partner and CEO, Flagship Ventures
0President, Sitra, Finnish Innovation Fund; Former Prime Minister of Finland
0CEO, SessionM
0Director, Neuro-radiation Oncology Program, Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center, Harvard Medical School
0Director, International Health, OASK(HA)/TMA
0Senior Policy Advisor, MIT Washington Office
0Former CEO and Chairman, Lockheed Martin Corp
0Jackson Distinguished Professor of Clinical Medicine and Director Emeritus, MD/PhD Program, Harvard Medical School; Chairman Emeritus, Department of Medicine and Director, Center for Assessment Technology and Continuous Health (CATCH), Massachusett General Hospital
0President and CEO, Harvard Pilgrim Health
0Chief of Spine Center, NEBH
0VP, Aetna Foundation
0Professor, Tanaka Business School, Imperial College, London
0Seyfarth Shaw, LLP
0President, BC/BS of Massachusetts Foundation
0Commissioner MA Rehabilitation Commission
0Defense Centers of Excellence for PH and TBI
0Bloomberg Philanthropies
0Tricare Management Activity
0Founding President, Mind/body Medical Institute, MGH; Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
0President & CEO, Dana Farber Cancer Institute
0Dean, Public Health, Tufts University; Fmr CEO Tufts Health Plan
0Senior Vice President, Chapter Programs, Deputy Medical Officer, March of Dimes National Office
0Professor, MIT Sloan School of Management
0President and CEO, Institute for Healthcare Improvement
0Institute Professor in the Brain Sciences and Human Behavior, MIT
0President, Blakeley Investment Company
0Fmr Mayor of New York City
0Director, Institute for Health Policy, Professor of Medicine and Professor of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School
0CSP Senior Advisor for Health and Medicine; Fmr U.D Assistant Surgeon General; Fmr Deputy Assistant Secretary for Women's Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
0Business Strategy, Steelcase Corporation
0Senior Director, Global Government and Public Affairs, McDonald's Corporation
0EVP, BC/BS of Massachusetts
0Coast Guard Health, Safety and Work-life Directorate
0Vice President, Global Health & Wellbeing Initiatives, The Coca-Cola Company
0Professor, Harvard Business School
0Ethicon Eno-Surgery
0General Motors
0Editorial Director, National Journal Group
0Product Manager, InterSystems Corp. HealthShare Active Analytics
0Innovation Accelerator Director, The Coca-Cola Company
0Insurance Commissioner, State of Massachusetts
0Strategy CTO, Intel
0President & CEO, institute for Urban Family Health
0RA, Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness
0Brown Brothers Harriman
0Air Force Deputy Assistant Surgeon General, Modernization
0Associate Professor Department of Health Sciences, University of Chicago
0Chairman, Case Foundation
0Partner, O'Neill, Athy & Casey
0Fmr Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, Fmr VP Biotechnology Health Science Center, University of Texas; Founder, Institute of Nanotechnology
0President & CEO, Pharma
0Operation Managment Project Manager Surgical Services, Lahey Hospital & Medical Center
0White House Fellow
0Founder, DNA Medicine Institute; U.S. Genomics
0Chief of Staff, VA Boston Healthcare System; Faculty Associate Dean for Veterans Hospital Programs, Profesor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School; Assoc Dean, Professor of Neurology Boston University School of Medicine
0Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary
0Principal and General Counsel, CCK Global Parnters, LLC
0Regional President, Southern California, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan and Hospital
0US Army Telemedicine and Advanced Research Center, Georgetown University Medical School
0Senior Advisor, Boston Consulting Group
0Partners Healthcare; Professor of Cardiac Surgery, Physician Director, Medical Technology
0Associate Professor, Bioengineering; Director, Neural Interaction Laboratory; Co-Director, Center for Perinatal Health, UCSD
0CEO Collins & Company, LLC
0Project Director, Associate Professor of Architecture
0Strategic Design Lead, SITRA [Finnish Innovation Fund]
0Correspondent, National Journal
0Arizona State University, Former President and CEO Mayo Clinic
0CEO & President, Cleveland Clinic
0Group Director, Global Customer Marketing, The Coca-Cola Company
0Army Medical Specialty Corps
0U.S. navy Medical Corps, Deputy Surgeon General, Vice Chief, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
0Visiting Scholar, Department of Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins University; Fulbright Scholar
0Fmr, DOD Deputy Undersecretary, Military Community & Family Policy
0Vice President, Science, Fidelity Foundation
0Vice President, National Medical Director, Liberty Mutual Group
0Postdoctoral Research Fellow, International Relations, Johns Hopkins University
0Editor-In-Chief, Health Affairs; Health Correspondent, PBS News Hour with Jim Lehrer
0Executive Director, Scholars in Clinical Science Program, Harvard Medical School
0Postdoctoral Researcher, Koch Institute, Langer Lab, MIT
0Direcotr Office of Strategy Management, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs
0Dean, Harvard School of Dental Medicine
0Medical Home Director, National Naval Medical Center
0Director, MIT Center for Biomedical Innovation
0Executive Vice President for Health Care Services, BC/BS of MA
0AnBryce Foundation
0Partner, The Bridgespan Group
0Thomas D. and Virginia W. Cabot Professor of Health Sciences and Technology at MIT; Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School; Senior Attending Physician in the coronary care unit at Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston
0Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management, Harvard Business School
0Director, Oscher Institute; Director, Integrated Medicine harvard Medical School
0Fmr President and CEO, Manheim
0Special Advisor for Health Policy Office of Management & Budget Executive Office of the President, USA
0Fmr Acting PDASD, Health Affairs
0Trustee, The Engelberg Foundation
0Institute of Medicine
0Director, Office of Corporate Alliances, University of Pennsylvania
0Senior Fellow, Institute for Strategy & Competitiveness, Harvard Business School; Helen Shafer Fly Distinguished Professor of Anesthesiology, Professor, Department of Health Services Research, Head, Institute for Cancer Care, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
0President and CEO, Jewish Healthcare Foundation; CEO Pittsurgh Regional Health Initiative
0Postdoctoral Researcher, Systems Institute, Whiting School of Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
0CEO, SimulConsult
0Health Affairs Human Capital Program Manager
0Chief Innovation Officer, InnovationAcceleration Program, Boston Children's Hospital
0Associate Physician Researcher, RAND Corporation
0Director, Executive Programs & MIT Regional Entrepreneurship Acceleration Program (REAP), Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship
0Frederick H. Schultz Professor of International Economic Policy at Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs; fmr Majority Leader of the US Senate
0DOD Vision Center of Excellence
0Director, NIH Clinical Center
0Fmr Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer, Marsh & McLennan Companies
0COO, Asianet Group; CEO, APAC of Talent Works International; CIO, YTS Investments
0CEO, Gingrich Group; Founder, Center for Health Transformation
0Fmr Presidential Advisor and US Ambassador
0Vice President and CIO, Partners Healthcare System, Inc.
0Vice Dean, Academic and Clinical Affairs, Tufts University School of Medicine
0Assistant Professor, Technology, Operations, and Information Management Division, Babson College
0Chairman and CEO, The Intellisis Group
0Fmr CEO Ionics; Chairman, Governance Committee, State Street Corporation
0Director, Neuroradiology, Massachusetts General Hospital
0Deputy Director, TMA
0Air Force Surgeon General
0President & CEO, The Boston Foundation
0Senior Advisor, Albright-Stonebridge Group
0Chairman, National Geographic Foundation
0Professor of Economics, MIT; Director, Health Care Program, National Bureau of Economic Research; Co-Editor, Journal of Public Economics
President, Community Solutions; Founder, Common Ground
0CIO, Harvard Medical School; CIO, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
0Under Secretary of Defense, Comptroller
Fmr Chairman, Sovereign Bank New England
0Chairman and President, ACCESS Health International, Inc.; Chairman, Haseltine Foundation for Science and the Arts
0Navy Bureau of Medicine
Former. Lt. Governor Massachusetts
0Deputy Director, White House Fellows Program
0Chief Government Relations Officer, Office of Government Relations, Cleveland Clinic
Chief Technical Officer for Design, IBM
0Wallace Brett Donham Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School
0Chairman, President and CEYo Stonyfield Farm
0President MIT
Deputy Surgeon General, Chief of Air Force Nurse Corps, Office of the Surgeon General, Headquarters U.S. Air Force
0Under Secretary, Economic Growth, Energy and the Environment, US Department of State
0Chief Medical Officer, Tetraphase Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
0US Army Commander, Western Regional Medical Command; Commander, Madigan Army Medical Center, FT Lewis, WA; Chief, Army Nurse Corp; Manager, TRICARE Puget Sound, WA
Pulmonary Attending, Children's Hospital Boston; Postdoctoral Fellow, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research
0US Department of Veterans Affairs
Dean, Medical Education, Harvard Medical School
0Incoming Deputy Director for TRICARE Management Activity
MBA Candidate, Harvard Business School
0President/Founder XL Hybrids
0Founding Director for Education and Research, Johns Hopkins Systems Center
0Founding Director, Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, Harvard University; Judah Folkman Professor of Vascular Biology, Harvard Medical School and Boston Children's Hospital; Professor of Bioengineering, Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
0Fiduciary Trust
0Chairman & CEO, Intelligent Medical Devices
Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, Cleveland State University, Department of Quantitative Health Sciences, Cleveland Clinic
0Executive Director, Connors Center for Women's Health and Gender Biology; Chief of the Division of Women's Health at Brigham and Women's Hospital; Harvard Medical School
0President & CEO, Samueli Institute
0President American Heart Association; Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs, Dean School of Medicine, Herbert G. Langford Professor of Medicine, University of Mississippi Medical Center
Principal Deputy, Assistant Secretary of Defense Health Affairs), Office of the Secretary of Defense
President, Grameen America, World Health Congress
0Special Assistant to Secretary Togo West
Director of the Division of Social Medicine and Health Inequalities, Brigham & Women's Hospital
Senior Vice President, Grameen Research Inc
0Dean, School of Science, Donner Professor of Science, MIT
0Vascular Neuroradiologist & Director of the Neurological Institute Outcomes Research Center, Cleveland Clinic
0Professor and Vice Chairman in Psychiatry and Professor of Clinical Psychology, Boston University; Associate Chief of Staff for Research and Development, VA Boston Healthcare System; Director, National Center for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, Behavioural Science Division, VA Boston
0President, Knox & Co.
0Chairman and CEO, The Coca-Cola Company
0Associate Provost, MIT
0Prof. Staff Member, Commission on Armerd Svcs., US House of Representatives
Director, MHS Strategic Communications
Evelyn Troup Hobson Professor and Chairman Department of Public Health Sciences, University of Virginia School of Medicine
Vice President, MIT
0Health Affairs
Associate Dean Architecture, Rensselaer
Harvard School of Design, Center for Environment & Technology
Chief Medical Officer, DOD, TMA
Chief of Staff, Health Affairs, Personnel and Readiness, United States Department of Defense
Under Secretary for Health for the Veterans Health Administration, Brigadier General U.S. Army ret.
Senior Client Partner, Korn/Ferry International
0Institute Professor, MIT
0Dean, USU School of Medicine
Professor of Environmental Health Sciences, Health Policy and International Health; Director, Center for a Livable Future; Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
0Network President and CEO, Partners HealthCare System/Partners HealthCare Community, Inc.
Deputy Counselor for Access to Justice, US Department of Justice
0President's Cancer Advisory Board; Howard University
Chief Investment Officer, Mugar Enterprises
Rose Professor of Urban Economics, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, M.I.T.
Director of Business Development, Intel
Graduate Research Assistant, Systems Institute, Whiting School of Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
0Director, National Library of Medicine, NIH
Associate Professor, Environmental Health Science, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University; Distinguished Visiting Professor of Animal Law and Science, Northwestern School of Law, Lewis & Clark College
0Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Clinical and Program Policy
0Founding Member Whitehead Institute, Professor of Biology, MIT
President & CEO, Steelcase Design Partnership
The John F. Crigler, Jr. & Mary A.S. Crigler Chair in Pediatric Endocrinology; Director, New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Centre; Director, Optimal Weight for Life (OWL) Clinic, Children's Hospital Boston; Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School; Professor of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health
0Advisor to Military and Veterans Health Institute, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
0Center for a Livable Future, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
0Director, MUCHIEAST Systems Innovation Design Lead
0Commander, Joint Task Force, National Capital Region Medical; Member Task Force on the Future of the Military Health System
Fmr Dean of Faculty, Harvard Business School
0Principal Deputy ASD for Reserve Affairs
Chief, Pharmaceutical Operations Directorate
Global Head, State Street Center for Applied Research
0President, Health Dialog Services Corporation
Chairman, Chief Investment Officer & Managing Principal, Essex Investment Management Group, LLC
Former President Occidental International Group
Chair, Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation
0Chairman, MIT
Fmr. Chief Innovation Officer and Technology Fellow, State Street Corporation; Author
0President and CEO, BIND Therapeutics
0U.S. Navy
President and CEO, Partners HealthCare System; Chair, Commonwealth Fund Commission on a High Performance Health System
Strategic Director, Added Value Cheskin
0Commander W. Bliss Army Health Center & Director of Health
Service for Fort Huachuca, AZ
CEO, West Pharmaceutical Services
Office of Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Force Health Protection & Readiness Programs
Senior Vice President, Program, Fidelity Foundation
0Institute Professor, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering and Engineering Systems; Acting Director, Center for Technology, Policy and Industrial Development MIT
Executive Editor, Biomedical Research & Education Foundation
Dean, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Military Family Advocate, President, Alliance for Veterans
17th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, USN (ret)
0US Department of State
Managing Director, Novartis Bioventure Fund
Project Manager, BLOSSOMS, MIT
0Cammander, Navy Medicine National Captial Area
Executive Director, Center for Artistry and Scholarship, Emerson College
0MIT Dept of Aeronautics & Astonautics and Engineering Systems
EVP, HR State Street Corporation
Director, Center for Computational Medicine & ioinformatics; Professor of Internal Medicine, Human Genetics and Public Health, University of Michigan
0Health Affiars HB&FP
Dean of Students, Harvard Medical School
0Senior Vice President and Global Head, Innovation, Joslin Diabetes Center
0Director, Whitehead Institute
Lt. General U.S. Army (ret), Former Secretary of Veterans Afairs
0Vice President Industry & Government Affairs, Cook Group Incorporated
Director, Specialized Information Services, National Institute of Health; Associate Director, National Library of Medicine
0Chief Service Officer for the City of Atlanta
0Colonel US Army
0Vice President, Institutional Advancement, Whitehead Institute
0University Professor, Director Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness, Harvard Business School
Chair, Center for Technology commercialization; Chairman Emeritus, massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmery
0Vice Chairman of the Board, Revolution Health Group, LLc
Colonel USAF MC, Director, DoD Combat Casualty Care Research Program; Harris B. Shumacker, Jr. Professor of Surgery, Uniformed Services University
0Vice President of Corporate Social Responsibility, The Coca-Cola Company (ret)
0James Madison Professor of Political Economy
Professor of Economics and Public Affairs, Woodrow Wilson School of Public & International Affairs, Princeton University
CEO, Cheskin
President & CEO, Optum; EVP and Fmr CEO, United Health Group
Senior Fellow in Economic Studies at the Brookings Institute; Visiting Professor at the Public Policy Institute of Gerogetown University
0Joint Staff Surgeon, Office of the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
0Chair, Division of Surgery, Lahey Hospital & Medical Center
0Representative of United Health Foundation
Program Executive Officer/Deputy Chief Information Officer
President and Chief Executive Officer, Tufts Health Plan
CEO University of North Carolina Health Care System, Dean UNC School of Medicine and Vice Chancellor Medical Affairs
Psychiatrist-in-Chief, MGH, Stanley Cobb Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
0President & CEO harvard Medical Faculty Physicians at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Chief Medical Officer, Lahey Hospital & Medical Center
0USAF Surgeon General
Acting Chief Medical Officer, Seragon CSAB
0Air Force Deputy Assistant Surgeon General, Modernization
John Homans Distinguished Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School
0Senator Daniel K. Inouye
CEO, Transparency Life Sciences, LLC
0Senior Vice President, Perfomance Measurement and Improvement, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts; Associate Professor of Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine
0Dimitri V. D'Arbeloff - Class of 1955 Professsor of Business Administration, Senior Associate Dean for External Relations, Harvard Business School
Vice President, Advertising, National Journal
0Independent Consultant
0Benjamin T. Rome Dean, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Whiting School of Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
0John C. Head III Dean, MIT Sloan School of Management
Dept. of Architecture, Harvard Design School
Executive Vice President, Commonwealth Fund; Executive Director, The Commonwealth Fund Commission on a High Performance Health System
Executive Director, National Coalition on Health Care
USArmy Surgeon General
Managing Partner, Windgate Partners
CEO, Best Doctors
Founder, Open Future Institute
0Director, Center for Organization Learning, MIT Sloan School of Management
0Holland & Knight LLP; Fmr Director, FBI
0Chairman, Dept. of Emergency Medicine, Mount Auburn Hospital
President and CEO, Beth Istrael Deaconess Care Organization
0Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School; Author
0President and CEO Draper Labs
President, PR Collaborative
0Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, Systems Institute, Johns Hopkins University
0DOD Joint Staff Surgeon
Professor of Epidemiology and International Health; Dean Emeritus, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
0Regional Administrator, Environmental Protection Administration
0Professor, Harvard Business School
Family Practitioner, Fmr President Medecin Sans Frontiers/Doctors Without Borders USA
0Research Scientist, Sociotechnical Systems Research Center, MIT
0Chief of Innovation, Military Health System
0Director of Strategic Design, SITRA (Finnish Innovation Fund); former Associate Professor of Architecture, Harvard Graduate School of Design
0Distinguished Professor; Chair, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management Group, MIT Sloan School of Management
0Deputy Surgeon General Mobilization, Readiness & Reserve Affairs; U.S. Army Medical Affairs
0Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Chief, Renal Division, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Founder, President Emeritus, Morehouse School of Medicine; Former Secretary of Health & Human Services; Chairman, The National Health Museum
Interim Director, Engineering Systems Division, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Engineering Systems, MIT
0Center of Excellence
President, United Hospital Fund; Chairman, Commonwealth Fund
Associate Professor, Darden Business School, University of Virginia
Senator Edward Kennedy's Office
Executive Director, Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative (CTTI), Duke University
Professor of Medicine and Health Care Policy Emeritus, Harvard Medical School
VP, Sentara Healthcare
Operations Director, Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University
0Institute of Federal Healthcare
Research Affiliate, Department of Chemical Engineering, Langer Laboratory, MIT; Instructor of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, MGH, Harvard Medical School
0Director of Research, Shlumberger-Doll
0Professor and Head, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, MacVicar Faculty Fellow, MIT
President & Founder, Give an Hour
0President, National Academy of Engineering; President Emeritus, MIT
MHS Chief Human Captial Officer
RA Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness
Associate Member, Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT; Dana-Farber Cancer Institute; Harvard Medical School
0Founder & CEO, Comeback America Initiative; Former Comptroller General of U.S.
0Telemedicine Program Implementation Manager Innovation Acceleration Program, Boston Children’s Hospital
0Fellow, Mayor's Office of New Urban Mechanics at City of Boston
0Research Scientist, Wyss Institute for Biology Inspired Engineering at Harvard University
0Air Force Deputy Assistant Surgeon General, Modernization
Senior Managing Member, Psilos Group Managers, LLC
President, United Resource Networks
Chief Program Officer, Jumpstart
0EVP, President, Public & Senior Markets Group, UnitedHealth Group
CEO, United Healthcare
0Member, Whitehead Institute, Thomas D. and Virginia W. Cabot Assistant Professor of Biology, MIT
0Director, Center for the Evaluative Clinical Sciences, Dartmouth Medical School
Chairman, TLI Leadership Group
Deputy Surgeon General for the Army National Guard
Assoc. Executive Director Kaiser Permanente, The Permante Federation
Economist, President Defense Health Board, Senior Fellow Project Hope
Professor, Harvard School of Public Health
0Health Care Operations, Office of the Surgeon General and the G-3 for the US Army Medical Command
Director Regenstreif Center for H/C Engineering, Purdue University
IBM Academy of Technology, Visiting Professor of Engineering Systems, MIT
Joint Staff, Chief Medical Plans and strategy
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs
0President, Research!America
Ewyatt Consulting
4th-year MD candidate at Harvard Medical School
0Dermatology Resident, Norwestern Memorial Hospital
0Professor, Harvard School of Engineering
0Member, Whitehead Institute; Professor of Biology, MIT
0Vice President of Medical Affairs and Chair of the Department of PMR, Harvard Medical School; Spaulding Rehabilitation Center
0Kathmandu University Medical School
CEO and Co-Founder, Cloudlock
0Chief Operating Officer, Chief Program Officer, Jewish Healthcare Foundation
0Deputy Assistant Secretary Health & Human Services